About Us
Just Plain Lucky
It all started when I was lucky enough to have a rock bounce up and crack the windshield on my brand-new vehicle driving on the interstate. I looked on the back of my insurance card and oddly enough there was a separate customer service number for glass claims only. I called the number and was greeted by a representative who I thought was my insurance carrier. I was able to file a claim and set up a replacement quickly and easily. I was never given an option on where to take my vehicle, I was simply told Safelite was going to my home and replace my windshield.
The Install
The initial installation took place at my residence and was done in less than 20 minutes. I wasn’t an auto glass expert at that time so I didn’t know to ask about the quality of the glass, the quality of the adhesive being used, or if any moulding needed to be replaced. Because the vehicle was brand new I just assumed I would receive like-for-like parts. Everything looked normal so I signed the documentation and the tech was in and out in less than half an hour.
My Nightmare Begins
On my first trip after the windshield replacement, I could recall hearing a loud wind noise coming into the cabin. Not a big deal, I called the “glass claims only” phone number on the back of my insurance card and set up an appointment to have it looked at. A different technician from the first arrived days later and in 5 minutes of inspecting, he said the problem was solved. Rinse and Repeat three more times, all 5 warranty appointments were different technicians and none of the five could solve the issue I was having.
I finally called my insurance agent and it was explained to me my insurance carrier utilizes Safelite Solutions, a third-party claims management service that refers to their affiliate, Safelite Auto Glass. I did what most people nowadays do and Google’d Safelite Auto Glass. I was now concerned so I contacted my insurance company directly and wouldn’t you know it, Safelite contacted me again to set up a sixth warranty appointment.
The Fixer
The sixth technician’s name was Mikel from Safelite and he was very knowledgeable. He told me right away what the issue was and said my vehicle required factory moldings or the wind noise would never be resolved. He came back days later with 5-foot-long moldings from Infiniti, installed them in minutes and we took a test drive. After a short trip on the interstate and a brief conversation about his tenure with Safelite, my nightmare is over, Mikel saved the day! I gave him a tip and thanked him for his knowledge and professionalism.
People Over Process
It wasn’t but a few short months later I received a knock at the door. It was Mikel and he looked visibly banged up. A couple of days after fixing my issue he was headed home from work and someone ran a stop sign and rolled his van. It was my understanding that he was no longer employed by Safelite and was looking for work. I had just finished up a three-year grind, helping victims of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. I listened to Mikel for several hours talking about his experience and in his opinion how poorly his former company operated. What was extremely concerning to me was the monopolistic behavior I believe was taking place and the lack of disclosure to the insured throughout the process I had recently experienced. After seeing how Mikel was treated after his car accident by his employer I knew it was my calling to once again stand up for those who are undependable.
Bond was Born
I decided to name the company “Bond” Auto Glass because of the “Bond” I had formed with Mikel. The “Bond” the windshield has to the frame of the vehicle. The “Bond” we would have with our customers knowing we could and would provide the very best customer service in the industry. Since its inception in 2015, Bond Auto Glass has become a shining light of transparency and truth. Providing the highest quality materials possible and the best possible customer service possible.
10 Years Later…
Despite the constant attacks and attempts to steer customers away, Bond Auto Glass has not only survived but has strived. Bond currently operates in 10 Counties within Central Florida averaging about 400 installs a week and continuously growing.
